Death to the World has posted a great wallpaper of Fr Seraphim Rose. To learn more about, and view more pictures of this notable, American monastic, click here. As of today (Feb 18, 2008) it appears that the wallpaper has disappeared. In lieu of that, enjoy this photo:
Some new additions to my library:
Here are some of the works I've recently completed reading:
God's Human Face, by Christoph Schonborn
Artists and theologians have meditated upon the mystery of God's human countenance and tried to express it. This book seeks to present the great sources of this meditation--sources which today are widely unknown, or have become foreign or obscure. These sources are above all the great masters of early Christianity. In their meditation upon Christ, Bishop Schonborn seeks the sources of the art on the Icon. The reader will find not only an engaging introduction to the meaning and beauty of Icons, but an invitation to draw closer to the One who inspired these Masters of theological expression and holy art. This is an interesting book which provides insight into the iconoclast controversy culminating in the seventh ecumenical council. Although the Roman Catholic author deviates somewhat from an Orthodox view of icons, the historical analysis warrants the read.
Hesychian Sobriety, a commentary on the St. Hesychios text by Fr. TheophanesThe Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart is a three-volume work dedicated to the the study of the foundations of the Jesus Prayer. It has been written by an Orthodox monk, Fr Theophanes (Constantine). The complete text has been published on-line on the Internet, and the links given below are to the actual transcribed texts of the volumes.
The third volume, Hesychian Sobriety, comprises a new translation of a text of St Hesychios, On Sobriety, taken from the first volume of the Philokalia, and a very detailed commentary on that text. This commentary draws extensively on the texts of Evagrius that were discussed in Volume II.
This volume ends with an epilogue which summarizes the three-volume work as a whole. This is the fascinating third volume of the trilogy: The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart. This is the most interesting book I've read on Orthodox asceticism and prayer. The epilogue of this book provides the best summary of the discussion contained therein.
Partakers of the Divine Nature, by Normal RussellThe deification of man is the characteristic Byzantine way of expressing the goal of human life. Far from implying a heretical notion of man's absorption into God, as Western writers sometimes assume, the term encapsulates a number of widely differing approaches to the doctrine of salvation. Among the Greek Fathers deification is expressed variously as filial adoption through baptism, as the attaining of likeness to God through gnosis and dispassion, as the ascent of the soul to God, as the participation of the soul in the divine attributes of immortality and incorruption, as the transformation of human nature by divine action, as the eschatological glorification of both soul and body, and as union with God through participation in the divine energies(1). In Byzantine writers the emphasis falls on the Pauline aspect of filial adoption and incorporation into Christ, the sacraments becoming all-important as the means by which divine life is communicated to the believer. With Palamas the chief focus of deification settles on participation in uncreated grace, which enables the human person to transcend himself and live with the life of Christ, so that he becomes 'uncreated through grace'(2). A good article on the history of 2 Peter 1:4 in the Byzantine tradition. Some worthwhile blog posts on the essence / energies distinction can be found here.
Having returned from vacation, here's what I'm reading:
The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoevsky I'm midway through and may have some comments once I'm finished.
Here's what I read:
Two Paths: Papal Monarchy -- Collegial Traditions, by Michael Whelton
From Light and Life:
A brilliantly written book that explains compassionately, simply and factually the historic, theological and liturgical differences between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions. Includes Peter and the Papacy, Collegial Tradition, Filioque and Schism, Donation of Constantine; Infallibility; the New Mass of Vatican II versus the Orthodox Liturgy and much more. This was an interesting introduction to the historical ecclesiologies of East and West and the role these divergences played in the Great Schism.
Dancing Alone, by Frank Schaeffer
From Light and Life:
Chronicles the spiritual journey of Frank Schaeffer to Orthodox Christianity, a pilgrimage which began in 1976. Converting to Orthodoxy is, undoubtedly, an act of inner spiritual strength and courage for any proselyte. It was an especially courageous decision for Frank Schaeffer, who is the son of the world renowned and respected Protestant author and preacher, Francis Schaeffer. This book can be used as a missionary tool to reach out to brethren who thirst for the eternal truths of the Orthodox faith. Frank Schaeffer provides in this book an interesting perspective on the historical/philosophical development of Protestantism and the contemporary consequences.
For the Life of the World, by Alexander Schmemann
From St. Vladimir's Press:
In For the Life of the World Alexander Schmemann suggests an approach to the world and life within it, which stems from the liturgical experience of the Orthodox Church. He understands issues such as secularism and Christian culture from the perspective of the unbroken experience of the Church, as revealed and communicated in her worship, in her liturgy - the sacrament of the world, the sacrament of the Kingdom. This was a particularly interesting book. The penetrating insight into the secularism permeating Christendom resonated with my own experiences and observations, reminding me of David Bentley Hart's article mentioned here. An interesting treatment of the Western symbol vs. reality dialectic is found in this book.
Thirsting for God in a Land of Shallow Wells, by Matthew Gallatin
From Light and Life:
Philosophy professor Gallatin, who found the fullness of faith in Orthodoxy, expresses many of the struggles that a Protestant will encounter in coming face-to-face with Orthodoxy: such things as Protestant relativism, rationalism versus the Orthodox sacramental path to God, and the unity of Scripture and Tradition. He also discusses praying with icons, praying formal prayers, and many other Orthodox traditions. An outstanding book that will help Orthodox readers more deeply appreciate their faith and will give readers a more thorough understanding of the Church. This is a great introductory book; especially for Protestants who are accustomed to the winsome style of contemporary Christian literature.